Get Social – In Person and Online
“Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human. Society is something that precedes the individual. Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god. ”― Aristotle
According to the online etymology dictionary ( Social comes From the Latin socialis “of companionship, of allies; united, living with others; of marriage, conjugal”.
The word social is firmly grounded in the physical world and implies face-to-face interaction. If you’re a social person, it means you like to spend time with other people. But this definition conflicts with today’s concept of social networking, in which we interact primarily with screens rather than with people.
So, how do we break away from our screens without losing the benefits of a digitally connected life? How do we bridge the gap between online and offline by becoming more connected with our real friends out in the real world? How do we make social networking actually social?
At Painty® we encourage socialising at our events – There’s plenty of time for individuals to lose themselves in the painting process and loads of time to get to know your fellow painters too. Many of our customers become regular attenders (#SuperFans) or bringing their friends, family, partners and work colleagues along. That’s why we like to include food and drink where we can – sitting and eating together is a great way to get to know people.
We don’t make attendees switch off their phones – we encourage painters to take loads of photos and videos at our events and share them on social media. Pictures of each other painting, showing the process in stages from blank canvas to finished artwork and selfies with their painting are all popular choices. Occasionally we’ll take along our social media connected PhotoBooth too. We’ve got pages/accounts on facebook, twitter, Instagram, youtube and tumblr. Go check them out!
We even have a facebook group where regulars can keep in touch with each other and share ideas about what type of pictures they’d like to paint next, discuss their latest masterpiece and make recommendations of potential venues( amongst other things).
Images are king on social media. They get shared more than almost anything else on the big-name social networks. If you share your event pictures – not only do you get to showcase your talent but it means more people get to hear about Painty® too. You might even win a prize for the picture that receives the most likes, shares or retweets at an event!
Painty® can hopefully go some way to help bridge the gap between our online and offline lives and make social networking actually social.
Make sure to add yourself to the social media conversation using the hashtags #painty #paintyparty #SuperFan and if there’s a social media site you think we should be on – let us know!
Get Social. Make Art. Be Awesome.